Vi sælger de mest efterspurgte blade til saxofon fra velkendte mærker som Vandoren, Légère, Rico D’Addario, Rigotti og Fibracell.

Vandorenblade sælger vi enkeltvis, så du lettere kan blande og prøve de forskellige typer. Hvis du bestiller, det der svarer til en hel æske blade (5 eller 10 stk. afhængigt af instrument) sender vi dig en æske i stedet for enkeltblade. Du får rabat, når du køber mange blade. Se priserne på produktsiden.

Your choice:

An unfiled reed with a long tip favored for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals. 

Vandoren Java Soprano.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %


A hearty jazz reed. Unfiled.

Manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals.

Vandoren V16 Soprano sax. 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %


Vandoren Blue Traditional Soprano sax is a popular choice for soprano saxophone.

Manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %


A filed version of the Java reed for jazz and pop players.

Manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals.

Vandoren Java Red Soprano.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 10 %


Vandoren V12 Soprano sax is a thicker reed with a darker tone, favored by classical players.

Manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


Vandoren V21 Soprano sax reed combines the conical shape of a 56 rue Lepic reed with a V•12 profile. 

Manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


Our best selling saxophone reed. A quality reed known for its clear tone. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 14 %


The unfiled jazz reed "ZZ" was launched in 2002 and has gained popularity for its quick response that does not compromise the sound. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 14 %


A hearty jazz reed marketed as "Java, but with more wood"

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 14 %


A filed version of the Java reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 14 %


An unfiled reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 14 %


A thicker reed than the traditional Vandoren with a darker tone, favoured by classical players.

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 11 %


The V21 reed combines the conical shape of a 56 rue Lepic reed with a V•12 profile.
Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 11 %


Our best selling reed for tenor saxophone. A quality reed known for its clear tone. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


The unfiled jazz reed "ZZ" was launched in 2002 and has gained popularity for its quick response that does not compromise the sound. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


A hearty jazz reed marketed as "Java, but with more wood"

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


A filed version of the Java reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


An unfiled reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


A thicker reed than the traditional Vandoren with a darker tone, favoured by classical players.

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 11 %


The V21 reed combines the conical shape of a 56 rue Lepic reed with a V•12 profile.

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 11 %


The unfiled jazz reed "ZZ" was launched in 2002 and has gained popularity for its quick response that does not compromise the sound. 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


An unfiled reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


A filed version of the Java reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides and chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


Our best selling saxophone reed. A quality reed known for its clear tone. 

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


A hearty jazz reed marketed as "Java, but with more wood"

Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 13 %


Rico Premium Hemke reeds, developed in collaboration with saxophonist Frederick L. Hemke, for soprano saxophone




Rico Premium Hemke reeds, developed in collaboration with saxophonist Frederick L. Hemke, for alto saxophone

5 reeds in a box


Synthetic Fibracell reed for soprano saxophone 


Synthetic Fibracell reed for alto saxophone


Rico LaVoz reeds for tenor saxophone. A reed with plenty of power and volume. 

  • 5 reeds in a box

Rico Premium Hemke reeds, developed in collaboration with saxophonist Frederick L. Hemke, for tenor saxophone

5 reeds in a box


Synthetic Fibracell reed for tenor saxophone 


Rico Plasticover reeds for soprano saxophone 

5 reeds in a box


Rico Select Jazz reeds for tenor sax, filed. 5 reeds in a box. 

Daddario Select Jazz Filed tenor sax reeds


D'Addario Reserve reeds for tenor saxophone 


Rico Select Jazz Unfiled reeds for tenor saxophone. 5 reeds per box.

Daddario Select Jazz Unfiled tenor sax reeds


Rico Plasticover reeds for alto saxophone 

5 reeds in a box


Our best selling saxophone reed. A quality reed known for its clear tone. 
Grown and manufactured in France without pesticides or chemicals

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


An unfiled reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


A filed version of the Java reed with a long tip, favoured for its flexibility by jazz and pop players. 

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 12 %


Hvad er forskellen på bladene?

Den primære forskel på vores blade er hvordan de er skåret. Et dyrere blad er altså ikke ensbetydende med at det er bedre. Det handler om at prøve sig frem, og finde det blad der passer bedst til dit mundstykke, ligatur, og temperament.


Styrke er en indikation af hvor hårdt et blad er. Som udgangspunkt vil det være nemmere at få et blødt blad (lav styrke) til at give lyd. Et hårdere blad vil give mere modstand, men vil til gengæld kunne levere mere volumen (lydstyrke). Mange saxofonister og klarinettister vælger styrke baseret på hvor stor åbningen (afstand mellem mundstykke og blad ved mundstykkets spids) på deres mundstykke er: Hvis mundstykket er meget åbent bruger de fleste et blødt blad, hvilket også giver en følelse af fleksibilitet i dit spil. Hvis mundstykket har en lille åbning foretrækker de fleste et hårdt blad, hvilket kan give en følelse af mere modstand, og en mere præcis ansats.


Den største forskel på de forskellige serier er hvordan bladet er skåret. Nogle blade (f.eks. V16 eller ZZ) har en længere, tyndere spids, hvilket giver mere fleksibilitet. Modsat disse er f.eks. V12 eller Rue Lepic tykkere blade med mere træ i hjertet. Dette giver i princippet en mørkere tone med mere kerne, men også en følelse af mere modstand når du spiller.


Filed blade (dette kaldes også ’Double Cut’ eller ’French Cut’) er slebet for at fjerne barken i en lige linje på bladets overflade. Dette sænker bladets strukturelle integritet, hvilket kan give en smule mere fleksibilitet og hurtigere respons når du spiller – særligt i det dybe register. Klangen på filed blade har tendens til at være lidt mere sprudlende.

Unfiled blade (dette kaldes også ’American Cut’ eller ’Single Cut’) er skåret direkte gennem barken. Dette giver et lidt stærkere blad, som understøtter en mere kraftfuld tone.

Kvalitet og sortering:

Indimellem støder vi på blade som fremstilles af udvalgt træ af ekstra høj kvalitet. Hvorvidt og hvordan dette påvirker bladets egenskaber er svært at sige, og dette er som udgangspunkt ikke et parameter vi vurderer bladene ud fra. Fælles for alle de blade vi fører er at de er fremstillet af bambus, og der derfor er forskel på bladene i en pakke. Som en naturlig konsekvens af dette, vil nogle af bladene være bedre end andre.

Langt de fleste blade dyrkes i Var regionen i Sydfrankrig. Det tager to år for planten at være klar til at blive høstet. Herefter lagres træet – først fire uger i solen, og derefter to år i et kontrolleret indeklima.


Størstedelen af de blade vi sælger er fremstillet af træ. Men der er også syntetiske alternativer. Disse har den fordel at de er mere ensartede, og har minimal klargøring og tilspilning. Mange af vores kunder der spiller i et ekstremt klima, eller skifter meget mellem instrumenter foretrækker syntetiske blade pga. deres pålidelighed.