ERGOclar Clarinet Support

ERGOclar Clarinet Support is an ergonomic playing stand for clarinet. The stand especially relieves stress on the right thumb, arm, and shoulder.


ERGOclar Clarinet Support

Play relaxed and comfortable!

The general idea behind all ERGObrass' playing supports is that all wind instruments are too heavy to carry for a long time. We all know that it is very important to be relaxed when playing. Unfortunately, when playing the clarinet, you stand still with the instrument for a long time and it gives for the most part static tension and pain in the right-hand thumb, arm, and shoulders as well as the upper body.

Of course, most people can play with the tension and the pain, but it is there all the time. By playing with ERGOclar Clarinet Support, anyone can now enjoy playing with a weightless clarinet and thus a relaxed thumb completely without pain and cramps.

ERGOclar Clarinet Support is also a good solution for children as it helps them to be able to play with a better posture.

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