Peg adapter to connect peg holder and special pegs
Made in Germany 
5 year guarantee
Environmentally certified ISO 14001


Trumpet peg compatible with K&M's universal stand, peg holder and base
Made in Germany 
5 year guarantee
Environmentally certified ISO 14001


5-legged trumpet stand with excellent stability.
Weight 320g, height 205mm
Made in Germany 
5 year guarantee
Environmentally certified ISO 14001


K&M mute holder, model 15910. Holds three cornet/trumpet/flugelhorn mutes
Made in Germany 
5 year guarantee
Environmentally certified ISO 14001


Extension set for ERGObrass. Telescope extension for you, who prefer to play standing with your ERGObrass support.


ERGObrass Trumpet Support is built from the concept that all brass instruments are too heavy to carry while playing. This model also fits flugelhorn and cornet.

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